A sold out premium gala held in Stockholms second biggest theatre, Göta Lejon, with top level fighters.
Just like last year, the Posters and Roll Ups were designed by Diablito Studios.

In 2017, the leaders at Södermalm’s Shaolin and Linnéa Boxing Club sat down to discuss future versions of Swedish fighting matches. As a result, they decided to create a gala format where some of Stockholm’s top fighters gets the opportunity to shine in front of the home crowd.

Diablito Studios were asked to make the logo design and other graphics for this event, and the client wanted it to stand out and show the public the unique combination of martial art fights at a theater setting.

The first gala took place on May 5, 2018 and became a success. Now, for the second year in a row, ”The Blitz” occupies the wonderful Göta Lejon theater and the fighting community looks forward to exciting and entertaining matches.

Tonights hosts for this gala event are former pro boxer Mikaela Laurén and Thabo Motsieloa from Södermalms Shaolin.

The format with mixed martial arts in a theater environment is really exciting. And many great matches will be seen with fighters like Nils Widlund, Houssein Khodr and Moltas Lundström among many others.

The fighters of 2019 were:

Mathias Jonsson, Tullinge Muay Thai vs Simon Santana, Nak Muay, Norway
Nils Widlund, Södermalms Shaolin vs Rasmus Sundberg, OneChai MuayThai
Bilel Farhat, Stockholms Wushu & Kung Fu vs Wiktor Lindström, Södermalms Shaolin
Anna Höglund, Slagskeppet vs Jessica Jerrås, Uppsala Kampsportscenter
Shwana Kadirzada, Ironman Fighting Academy vs Elham Shamao, Westerås Tai Nui
Houssein Khodr, Södermalms Shaolin vs Anton Sjöqvist, Tullinge Muay Thai

Costas Nanga, Hammarby Boxning vs Viktor Olsson, BK Falken
Moltas Lundström, Linnéa Boxning vs Hardy Åkerlind, BK Dalen
Itza Pabon Reyes, Linnéa Boxning vs Ellen Karlsson, Hammarby Boxning
Erik Mendoza, Djurgården Boxning vs Damian Biesekierski, Botkyrka BK