Just like last year Nyckelbryggeriers Old-fashioned ”Christmas Must” is the winner in the daily newspaper Expressens contest.
Same procedure as last year and the year before. 5/5 is the average rating in tests for this amazing product.
Not as sweet as many of the other brands, which makes the taste more distinct. A very good ”Christmas Must” with great foaming. Round, spicy and just a right sweet taste that leaves a great aftertaste. A ”Christmas Must” for everyone’s Christmas table, without a doubt. The obvious winner of the test!
Rating: 5 out of 5!
“Must” has not gone through the ordinary fermentation phase in regular wine and cider production. So, on first glance, it may sound like it is a relatively simple drink, but in fact, it has a unique complex recipe that differs from one producer to another.
Tasting of the Christmas Must at Urban Deli, Nytorget in Stockholm.
Read more about Urban Deli here >>
The carbonated soft drink ”Christmas Must” (Gammaldags Julmust in swedish) was reviewed on the Swedish television channel 4 in December, 2017.
Not only did they give it the highest score in taste , they also loved the label design by Diablito Studios.